CDBG Microenterprise Program Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastCompany (If applicable): *Address: *Email: *Phone Number: *1. Does your business employ five or fewer people, including the owner? *NOYES – IF YES, you will be asked for supporting documentation to verify the information and can include: tax returns, bank statements, etc.2. What is your Annual Household Income? *3. What is your Household Size (how many members in the family): *4. What is your Race/Ethnicity (select all that apply): *AsianAfrican AmericanHispanic / LatinoAmerican Indiana/Alaskan NativePacific IslanderWhite5. Provide a short summary of the goods and services offered by your business. *6. Provide a short summary of the area you serve and the products and services that you offer. *CERTIFICATION & SIGNATURE *I certify that this information is complete and accurate. I agree to provide, upon request, documentation for all income sources to the Program Administrator.Today's Date *Submit